Train4Sustain final workshop

Therefore, we warmly invite the experts in the field to attend our project's final workshop and get a comprehensive presentation on Train4Sustain's final results and services.
What is the agenda?
1. The CEN Workshop Agreement on TRAIN4SUSTAIN – iiSBE (20 min + 5 min Q&A)
An introduction to the final version of the CEN Workshop Agreement and the opportunities for digitisation of standards
2. The online European Skills Registry and Passport – GEO (20 min + 5 min Q&A)
Showcasing the platform features, the user workflows and their applicability to the targeted end-users
3. TRAIN4SUSTAIN pilot Green Public Procurement – GENCAT (20 min + 5 min Q&A)
Demonstration of a real construction project employing the project tools and methodology to support Green Public Procurements
4. How harmonized Unit of Learning Outcomes enable personal learning pathways and automated mutual recognition – ISSO (20 min + 5 min Q&A)
Make use of of Learning Outcomes to share a vision on further use in personalized learning pathways and automated mutual recognition of skills.
14.40 – 15.00 Break – invited coffee
From 15.00 hours - Open discussion point No.1
Harmonization of Unit of Learning Outcomes and personal recognition
Open discussion point No.2
Development opportunities for market application and demand for skilled professionals
16.00 hours - Closure and snacks
Who is the event for?
Experts from the construction sector
Rue Royale 250, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgium
October 26, 13:00-16:00h CET
Despite the fact that we would like to welcome all the interested parties in this event, we inform you that this is a closed workshop where prior registration is needed.
In order to express your interest to participate and complete your registration, you can send an email at